In Memory of





Condolence From: Ashley Hall
Condolence: My condolences go out to friends and family of Ms. Helen. Even though I was only around her for a short time, I saw quickly her family was everything to her. She was a very special lady, and will always hold a very special place in my heart which no one can take. I will cherish all the memories I have of her, all the laughs she gave. She was truly an angel walking among us, and heaven needed someone like her. She will be missed greatly by all those she touched while she was here with us. But this isn't good bye, no this isn't good bye at all, this is a see you later because one day we will all be reunited when we are called home. Ms. Helen, you were a special person and one that will always have a special place in my heart. Ill always remember the laughs, and the memories I have of you while I knew you. I love you and miss you greatly!!!
Saturday August 03, 2013
Condolence From: Sue Rigdon
Condolence: My condolence go out to Helen's family. The tears will stop. But my memories of her will always be with me. The good times and the bad ones. I hope you are with your family that went on before you. Her family was real important to her. God Bless All.
Friday August 02, 2013
Condolence From: Shirley Wagner
Condolence: My condolences to the family on their loss and also to Sue Rigdon who has taken good care of Helen in her final years. Helen will be greatly missed by all who have known her.
Wednesday July 31, 2013
Condolence From: Rev. Rogerlee & Mary Dixon
Condolence: Our condolences goes to the family.We will never for get her. She all always like when we visit her in her home. I all ways brought her candy, she like that. Mary used to stay there some at night, she like my wife. God bless the family. She at home now.
Wednesday July 31, 2013
Condolence From: Marsha Tarbert McDougall RN
Condolence: I guess we are sending condolences to ourselves. I will miss you Aunt Helen. The torch has been passed, we will not see the likes of you and your brothers and sisters again. I hope you and Uncle Ed are sitting on a nice bench, holding hands, and catching up.
Tuesday July 30, 2013